Besides all
the apocalyptic hype over the Mayan doomsday prophecy this past year
has seen it's share of additions to paranormal-related history. The
conspiracy world has had no shortage of fodder to fuel their paranoid
fires this year. Some of
their claims have us looking over our shoulders. Others make us happy
knowing that conspiracy for entertainment purposes is continuing to grow
and evolve. Here’s a few of this year’s best conspiracies from a Lost
Creek point of view.
Whitney Houston Illuminati Sacrifice for Blue Ivy Carter
The first conspiracy is by far my favorite. It shows how the pop culture machine, mass media, and paranoids the world over all combine to produce us some quality entertainment. As I mentioned in the Smurl article, whether ghost stories or conspiracy theories are true or not they reflect the views and concerns of society at large and provide some seriously interesting entertainment. The perfect storm of conspiracy came when Whitney Houston died, shortly after the birth of Blue Ivy Carter to parents Beyonce and Jay-Z.
The first conspiracy is by far my favorite. It shows how the pop culture machine, mass media, and paranoids the world over all combine to produce us some quality entertainment. As I mentioned in the Smurl article, whether ghost stories or conspiracy theories are true or not they reflect the views and concerns of society at large and provide some seriously interesting entertainment. The perfect storm of conspiracy came when Whitney Houston died, shortly after the birth of Blue Ivy Carter to parents Beyonce and Jay-Z.
Jan. 7 we welcomed Blue Ivy Carter into the world to parents Beyonce
and Jay-Z. Conspiracy forums and videos abounded with claims of both of
Blue Ivy's parents' allegiance to the Illuminati- a secret order that
controls the world. Many of them are reaching way too far, like when
Beyonce’s latest video is freeze-framed and dissected to point out
possible Illuminati symbolism. With so many of the devoted working to
prove the music duo were part of the secret order it was no wonder that
within hours of the baby’s birth the internet was abuzz with theories on
Blue Ivy.
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Beyonce with Blue Ivy |
theories were popularized on Twitter with users making "Illuminati’s
Very Youngest" one of its trending topics. The leading retweet stated
that Blue Ivy was an anagram for Eulb Yvi, the supposed name of one of
the daughters of Satan. The name was also said to be an anagram for “Born
Living Under Evil” and “Illuminati’s Very Youngest.” Conspiracy forums
filled with theories using numerology. 4 was said to be a powerful
number representing the Illuminati. Ivy was likened to the Roman
numeral IV, or 4. Pointed out was that 4 seemed to be a very
significant number for Blue Ivy’s parents. Beyonce’s 2011 album was
titled “4,” her birthday was on the 4th of the month, Jay-Z’s birthday
is the 4th of the month, and their anniversary is on the 4th of the
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Jay-Z throwing up an Illuminati sign? |
Skeptics tried to reason that if they existed the Illuminati
were an uber-secretive group whose members were the elitist of the
elite. They wouldn’t think of inducting a newborn into their ranks.
However, if her parents are in fact Illuminatus as has been speculated,
couldn’t it be possible that Blue Ivy was planned and her position
within the order was secured by birthright? The conspiracists were
quick enough to claim once that Barak Obama had been the result of an
Illuminati-planed birth.
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Whitney Houston |
Houston died on February 11. Early rumors spread that she had been
killed by drug dealers to whom she owed a large amount of money. The
facts were that she was found in the bathtub of the Beverly Hilton hotel
room she was staying. The cause of death was ruled accidental drowning
with heart disease and chronic cocaine abuse as contributing factors. A
large amount, even for Whitney, of cocaine was found in her toxicology
report, along with marijuana and several prescription drugs.
theories went a step further by including Whitney Houston’s death as a
sacrifice in a fertility ritual by the Illuminati so they could bring
forth Blue Ivy who would either take over the world or have a notable
music career. "For a queen to grow, another queen has to fall,” touted
the headlines of these articles.
In detailed conspiracies it was noted that location is very important to the rituals of secret orders. Hollywood lies at 35 degrees north. When such a sacrifice is made, it has to be within 3 degrees north or south of a 33rd degree coordinate, which relates to the 33 degree’s of Freemasonry. Martin Luther King, Michael Jackson and JFK are all said to have been targets who were sacrificed within 3 degrees of a 33rd degree north point.
In detailed conspiracies it was noted that location is very important to the rituals of secret orders. Hollywood lies at 35 degrees north. When such a sacrifice is made, it has to be within 3 degrees north or south of a 33rd degree coordinate, which relates to the 33 degree’s of Freemasonry. Martin Luther King, Michael Jackson and JFK are all said to have been targets who were sacrificed within 3 degrees of a 33rd degree north point.
David Petraeus Planned Affair to Cover Up Benghazi Attacks
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Gen. David Petraeus |
Petraeus was said to be a master strategist, several chess moves ahead of events. On Sept. 11 an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, resulted in the deaths of U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The Obama administration was blamed, and in turn said that sloppy work had caused the tragedy. Days before he was scheduled to give testimony at a congressional hearing on the Benghazi attacks Petraeus went public with an affair he had had with his biographer and the president accepted his resignation. The affair had been with Paula Broadwell, a West Point graduate who accompanied Petraeus to the Middle East while writing the book.
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Petraeus with Broadwell |
The affair
came to light when the FBI performed an audit searching for a leak in an
unrelated matter. Emails between Petraeus and Broadwell were found.
It was also discovered that Broadwell had access to Petraeus' email
account, which undoubtedly contained top secret information.
If going to the media with the affair to get out of testifying was his intention, it worked. Conspiracy theorists already after the Obama administration over the Benghazi attack claim that Petraeus’ testimony would have answered many questions and he had been a patsy, taking the fall for the cover up. White House officials have been busy with other conspiracies this year as well, such as fudging employment numbers just before the election to make the economy appear more favorable and secure a reelection. Wonder if they’ve put on their administrative parachutes to jump off the fiscal cliff yet?
Andrew Breitbart was Murdered by ObamaIf going to the media with the affair to get out of testifying was his intention, it worked. Conspiracy theorists already after the Obama administration over the Benghazi attack claim that Petraeus’ testimony would have answered many questions and he had been a patsy, taking the fall for the cover up. White House officials have been busy with other conspiracies this year as well, such as fudging employment numbers just before the election to make the economy appear more favorable and secure a reelection. Wonder if they’ve put on their administrative parachutes to jump off the fiscal cliff yet?
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Andrew Breitbart |
Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart died unexpectedly on March
1 in L.A. He collapsed while walking near his home late that night and
was pronounced dead at the hospital. His lawyer immediately released a
statement citing the cause of death as being a cardiac event.
Conspiracists jumped on this, as no autopsy had yet been performed.
Breitbart was widely read and gained notoriety for his coverage of the Anthony Weiner scandal in 2011. He had created several websites and had a large conservative following. Weeks before his death Breitbart appeared at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. and announced he had damning video evidence of Pres. Barak Obama. "We are going to vet Obama from his college days to show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008." He planned to release the video in early March.
From what was released after his death it seems that the damning evidence Breitbart referred to was from Harvard and showed a young Barry Obama hugging controversial Professor Derrick Bell at a Harvard protest. Bell was the first tenured African-American Professor of at Harvard Law School and is largely credited as one of the originators of critical race theory. CRT is a whole other subject, but to see why it’s so controversial, jump here.
Breitbart was widely read and gained notoriety for his coverage of the Anthony Weiner scandal in 2011. He had created several websites and had a large conservative following. Weeks before his death Breitbart appeared at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. and announced he had damning video evidence of Pres. Barak Obama. "We are going to vet Obama from his college days to show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008." He planned to release the video in early March.
From what was released after his death it seems that the damning evidence Breitbart referred to was from Harvard and showed a young Barry Obama hugging controversial Professor Derrick Bell at a Harvard protest. Bell was the first tenured African-American Professor of at Harvard Law School and is largely credited as one of the originators of critical race theory. CRT is a whole other subject, but to see why it’s so controversial, jump here.
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Obama hugging Derrick Bell. Was Breitbart killed for having this? |
That’s what they tell us he was talking about anyway….
Another twist in this story came when LA County forensic technician Michael Cormier died on April 20. He had been complaining of stomach pains and throwing up. He was taken to the hospital and died. It was suspected that Cormier had been poisoned with arsenic. Officials were quick to say that they weren’t sure if it had been intentional or if he could have accidentally ingested the poison. The same day the coroner’s office released Breitbart’s autopsy findings, ruling heart failure from natural causes as being responsible for his death. It was later stated that Cormier had never worked on the Breitbart case.
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