America is fascinated with it’s celebrities. It’s also fascinated with the
paranormal. It seemed only natural that
I should throw something together to merge the two obsessions. The Bio channel has been cashing in on it’s
new show “Celebrity Ghost Stories,” but while entertaining, the featured
celebrities aren’t quite A-listers. So
I’ve assembled this little inventory of
haunted celebrities, and celebrities who have passed on but reported to still
be hanging around.

NEVE CAMPBELL – The Scream star bought a house that had been owned by a
woman who was murdered in 1991. She reported paranormal activity including
doors slamming, windows banging open, and ashtrays flying off shelves. The specter of the woman has been seen by
Campbell and visitors on many occasions.
Neve says she grew accustomed to the spirit, “After a while it felt
normal. I'd pass her in the hallway and casually wish her good morning.”
ADELE – The phenomenal British songstress paid £7 million for a home in
Sussex that had once been a convent.
Immediately after moving in Adele said she was creeped out by the
place. She told friends about hearing
bangings late at night. She was so freaked out she moved in her female
bodyguard so she wouldn’t be alone in the mansion, and hired additional
security personnel.
LUCILLE BALL – Lucy seemed to have been loved by those living and dead. During her life she managed to keep her
encounters with the supernatural relatively quiet. At one time she had grown
tired of being known as a comedy queen, until she was visited in a dream by her
dead friend Carol Lombard, who convinced her to keep going. Lucy’s spirit is said to frequent her old
Beverly Hills home, where furniture moves and windows are found broken with no
explanation, and shouting sounds have been traced to the attic. Lucy is also believed to hang around the
Paramount Studios building where DesiLu’s production offices were located. Security guards have reported seeing a woman
wandering the upper levels and smelling old flowers and perfume.
JOE HILL – The son of horror writer Stephen King has came into his own,
publishing several novels of his own.
One of his works was picked up for a television pilot. While the show
never got picked up, Joe’s return trip from shooting the pilot in Pittsburg led
him to spend the night in the Bethleham Hotel.
The hotel’s room 932 is supposedly haunted. Visitors can by the “Room With a Boo” package
that includes spending the night in the spooked room. The night Hill visited the room was booked
and he was given room 832, directly below it.
Even so Hill woke up in the middle of the night as terrified as he’d
ever been. He was certain something was
sitting on the edge of his bed and was paralyzed, unable to lift his head to
see who, or what was there. He was able
to scream, quite loudly, which caused a lot of thumping from the room above to
be heard. Perhaps there were residual
haunting effects from the room above experienced by Stephen King’s son that

MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY – Alright, alright, alright. When Matthew McConaughey moved into his
Hollywood home he and his dog spent the first night, where else, in a
tent. He awoke to the sounds of
furniture moving and other weird noises.
McConaughey grabbed a baseball bat and went off to investigate, in his
birthday suit. The actor is convinced
the noises he heard that night were caused by the apparition he has seen
several times since then, whom he calls Madame Blue. When talking about Madame Blue he often says
the two of them get along famously, and he thinks it may be because of his
constant nudity at home.

After her death from an accidental overdose in 2007 Smith’s ghost has been spotted
at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel in Hollywood, Florida where she passed
away. To discourage tourists seeking to
exploit the room she died in, the hotel has since renumbered the rooms so that room
607 can’t be found.
Hit the jump here to continue our journey to the Medicine Show's Celebrity Ghosts Part 2
Hit the jump here to continue our journey to the Medicine Show's Celebrity Ghosts Part 2
**Blogger's giving me issues publishing the second part. Apologies, saved some of the best for last...check back soon, i'll get it resolved.
*Issues seem to be resolved. Apologies for inconveniences.
*Issues seem to be resolved. Apologies for inconveniences.
Love this stuff!